Having gone through the college selection process four times in recent years with my two daughters (yup, they both transferred from public state universities to private schools -- oddly one to a school founded by Franciscans and the other to a school founded by Jesuits, I can tell you that colleges love the rankings put out by various guides. They all rank highly in something and they use these rankings in everything from advertising to the sales presentations they make to visiting students and their parents.
One ranking that they try to distance themselves from is The Princeton Review's annual Top Party Schools list. The list measures a combination of survey questions concerning the use of alcohol and drugs, hours of study each day, and the popularity of the Greek system at each school. When a school ends up on that list they all cry foul and claim that rankings like this sort do not accurately reflect the overall college experience at the school. Well, you cannot have it both ways. So as a public service, Lyke2Drink is publishing this year's list.
Princeton Review Top 20 Party Schools
1 West Virginia University
2 University of Mississippi
3 The University of Texas at Austin
4 University of Florida
5 University of Georgia
6 Penn State--University Park
7 University of New Hampshire
8 Indiana University at Bloomington
9 Ohio University-Athens
10 University of California-Santa Barbara
11 Randolph-Macon College
12 University of Iowa
13 Louisiana State University
14 University of Maryland-College Park
15 University of Tennessee--Knoxville
16 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
17 Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
18 Florida State University
19 University of Alabama--Tuscaloosa
20 State University of New York at Albany
Firstly, it is BS, there are hundreds of party colleges that should be on that list.
Secondly, look in the corner of that WV logo that you copied and pasted....I wouldn't put a registered trademark on a web site like this unless I was prepared for a lawsuit.
the university of alabama blows ne place out of the water - roll tide
HOOSIER!!! Indiana University #1.....Little 500 weekend
where the hell is wisconsin on this list... i hope you guys understand that us not being number 1 this year is like Tiger Woods not winning the Masters. Just because he doesnt win one year, there is still noone that will dispute that he is still the best golfer in the world. If you guys wanna learn how to really party, come to Madison. I am going to get wasted for 7 days in a row in protest of this decision.
Texas State University parties harder than Austin by far. I know so many people that drive down here from Austin every weekend for the parties. They play football we party.
UNH has no place on this count. They seriously don't party at all. Where did they get their stats?
don't hate cuz wvu is #1... GO MOUNTAINEEEEERS! my favorite place in the world...morgantown baby!
bs mister retard anonymous Austin is one of the best party places in the US...but UNO(university of New Orleans for those of you too wasted to think)and Loyola also in New Orleans and not to mention Tulane are all amazing party schools...heck they are in New Orleans the biggest party city in the United States
IOWA, should be #8, always underrated but we like to keep it that way.
seriously UNH? ummm has anyone considerd the UVM by any chance???
i am so pissed..and confused..wisconsin is the drinking state..i learned from the best and madison should be in the top 5...party hard come to uwm.!!!
TX state does not party harder than Austin. Bunch of yall come down to Austin all the time. Plus we got 6th street. Yall do have some nice lookin ladies though.
I DONT THINK SO! UT should be replaced with TX State! I dunno about the other 2 top ones, but I know that people at TX State party harder than UT. 6th street is their only safe zone to party and y'all only get more people cuz of the students from ACC, Concordia, St. Edwards, THE BOBCATS, etc. Austin is a party town but it ain't UT that makes it happen. San Marcos is a SMALL town and has only 1 college and that is TX State, and they still manage to get on this list.
PENN STATE IS #1 we have the biggest and best parties!
i love beer.
adam is right....where is wisconsin on this list? they are by far the biggest party school..... now they know how to party!
WVU was #3 in '06, #1 in '07, and #1 in '08. Those Wisconsin kids just don't understand.
I agree. Where the HELL is Wisconsin in on this shit?
HELLO, Madison is one of the biggest party schools out there. I'm in shock that it's not on here...
hell yeah. RANDOLPH MACON baby! 1700 kids and we still party harder than most big schools
THE Ohio State University. Big tailgate school. Always huge house keggers. Spring quarter is nuts along with football season. Sucks this is rated by bar ratio.
ya mirror lake night is the drunkest night of the year
FSU dominate the party scene in the collegiate world.. so every one else that is sleeping right now, your school sucks because us at FSU are still partyin
"The University of Arizona can no longer be rated, because we feel it unfair to rank professionals with amateurs"
Schools pay to not be on the list. Alot sue if they are on it.
cant wait to get me some annual tear gassing at the halloween party up in madtown...come on people, get out of your warm weather campuses and experiance a real party
the only reason WVA is number one is cause there is nothing else to do in morgantown, the school blows..ROLL TIDE
you guys dont have shit on the trine trains....we challenge any school to a competition.
Trine University will challenge any top ten party school in a beerfest type competition, we are willing to travel to other schools but if a school thinks they are up to the challenge they are more then welcome to visit our small but crazy school. Bring it on BITCHES!!!!
U damn right. Georgia Southern University is definitely one of the top party schools. There's a keg on every corner and with girl to boy ratio at 4 to 1, every man's fantasy comes true. GO EAGLES!!! GSU!!!
Iowa Hawkeyes!!!!!! It would be the Best Party School in the Nation if we had warm weather all year round!
Iowa Hawkeyes!!!!!! It would be the Best Party School in the Nation if we had warm weather all year round!
this is a joke!!! every knows where to go for the best parties two words GEORGIA SOUTHERN
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