Lyke2Drink is proud to be hosting the seventh edition of The Session. The Beer Blogging Friday event is held the first Friday of every month, so The Session #7 is slated for Sept. 7th.
The Session was the brainchild of Stan Hieronymus over at Appellation Beer. The Session is designed to bring bloggers together from around the world to write about a single beer related topic each month. In its short frothy history The Session has already covered some interesting ground, from the beer stylistic varieties of Stout to the environmental stylistic varieties of Atmosphere.
So what is the topic for September? Welcome to the Brew Zoo.
Have you ever noticed how many animals show up on beer labels? We have lions and tigers and bears, plus various birds, reptiles, fish, assorted domesticated and wild animals, plus a few mythical creatures. For whatever reason brewers have a tradition of branding their beers using everything from pets to predators. The Brew Zoo will celebrate these lagers and ales.
Your assignment for The Session #7 is to go on a beer safari and help stock our Brew Zoo with animals large and small. This is one hunt that even PETA should not protest.
Happy hunting!
No zoo would be complete without a Golden Monkey (from Victory Brewing in Downingtown, PA).
I love this theme. So far I've bagged an elephant, a black sheep, an alley cat and a bear with antlers.
I have a feeling a smokin' goat is going to show up for this one ;-)
Count me in. I will try to sample some interesting animals & beer from Sweden.
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